Call for Papers

VINCI'24 includes tracks of Technical Papers, Art Papers, and Art and Media Galleries. All accepted papers will be included in the ACM Proceedings as formal publications and EI-indexed. Selected papers will be invited to be extended for publication in special issues of PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality (SCI-indexed; MIT Press; 3-4 papers for fast-tracked review in 2 months) and International Journal of Digital Media Design (Taiwan Humanities Core Index). We solicit original, unpublished research papers that focus on all aspects of visual information communication and interaction, either via images, computer graphics, animations, virtual reality, web, artistic projects, or other visual media. Research papers should address cognitive and design aspects, underlying theories, taxonomies, implementation work, tool support, and case studies. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Topics for Technical Papers:

Topics for Art Papers & Art and Media Galleries:

All submissions will be strictly peer-reviewed by our internationally highly regarded program committee members. The peer-reviewed conference proceedings will be published by ACM in its prestigious ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS). A number of selected high-impact full-text papers will also be considered for the special journal issues. All submitted papers will have the opportunity to be considered for these Special Journal Issues.


Technical Papers: 

A technical paper describes a new algorithm, technique, system, or theory that has not previously appeared in the literature. The description provided in the paper should be complete enough that a competent/qualified graduate student in visual information communication could implement or apply the work and should provide a formal/informal evaluation and discussion regarding its strengths and weaknesses.

The technical papers call is open-theme, and this year, we have three types in the Technical Papers: full papers, short papers and posters.

The page limits are strict so please ensure that you meet the requirements: 

Art Papers: 

This track serves as a link between arts, design, technology, and science by offering creative views and artistic applications. We are especially interested in the submissions that demonstrate tangible and artistic ways of visual information communication and address information aesthetics. The topics range from experimental and interdisciplinary case studies and methodologies, novel and critical interfaces for VINCI topics to critical analysis of theory and reference works in the field. 

The art papers call is open-theme, and this year, we have three types in the Art Papers: full papers, short papers and posters.

The page limits are strict so please ensure that you meet the requirements: 

Art and Media Galleries: 

The VINCI Art and Media Galleries celebrates artistic creations demonstrating conceptual and technological innovation related to visual information communication and interaction. We accept project topics, including data art, generative art and design, interactive graphics, real-time simulation, scientific illustration, creative and critical visualization, and more. The art and media galleries call is open-theme, and this year, we have two types in the Art and Media Galleries: Media Demos and Artworks

Submissions for both types should include up to 2 pages of poster/description/artist’s statement. Works should have been completed within the last 5 years (in or after 2019) and be ready for installation. While we don't restrict previously exhibited work, accompanying materials should not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

 Selected works will be exhibited at the National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University. We will collaborate with selected artists to discuss exhibition logistics and final display arrangements. Unless specified otherwise, artists are responsible for covering shipping costs for physical objects.

Submission Dates